Nofx - Cokie The Clown


All the way from palm springs
just out of detox
show him a warm welcome
let's hear some applause

Greetings all, hello
welcome to my show
I'm sure you'll have fun
watching me juggle
8-balls at one time
I'm no fucking mime
I play practical jokes
this squirting flower
that wasn't flour
that blew out your nose
it's my special blend
of ex coke and k
you should be okay
in several hours

He's got oversized shoes
and ill-fitting clothes
that is real blood dripping
from his big red nose

I'm cokie the clown
I will trip you down
those 12 giant steps
I brought you all presents
against good judgement
but being a good host
you all have been dosed
the kettle corn's been laced
the fudge has been lined
you're having a great time
but you might not recall
from rohypnol
in the lemonade
cokie homemade

He's the happiest clown
with the biggest frown
he's cokie the clown.

Por : serial