The Police - Todos Invejariam


All Would Envy

Old enough to be her dad
But the young men were just mad they nursed their grievances
And she was flattered by his charm
It wouldn't do her any harm they all had their chances

He sent her flowers and limousines
She was treated like a queen
Anything she ever wanted
It was no problem for a man like him
And everyone expected soon
That she could ask him for the moon
If she would wear his ring

Knowing glances from his friends
In the homes at the weekends of high society
But he didn't give a damn
He never felt more like a man

And all the time the clock was ticking
And all would envy the older man and his beautiful young wife
Yes, all would envy

In a house upon a hill
She was there with time to kill
She lived a life she'd only dreamed
The life was never what it seemed
To all her friends that she

Todos Invejariam

Velho o suficiente para ser seu pai
Mas os jovens eram apenas loucos que nutriram suas queixas
E ela estava lisonjeada pelo charme dele
Isso não faria nenhum mal a ela,todos os outros já tiveram suas chances

Ele enviou a ela flores e limousines
Ela era tratada como uma rainha
Qualquer coisa sempre que ela quisesse
Não era problema para um homem como ele
E todo mundo esperava o dia
Que ela pedisse a ele a lua
Se ela usasse seu anel

Sabendo dos olhares de seus amigos
Nas casas nos finais de semana da alta sociedade
Mas ele não dá a mínima
Ele nunca se sentiu tanto como um homem

E o tempo estava passando
E todos invejariam o homem mais velho e sua bela e jovem esposa
Sim, todos iriam invejar

Em uma casa sobre uma colina
Ela estava lá matando o tempo
Ela viveu uma vida apenas sonhada
A vida que nunca foi o que parecia
Para todas as amigas dela