Agnus - Valley of insanity


So many and so often
They came to see him suffer

To the place where the sense disappears
In the haze

To see what god did so long ago
Where we still live and we still grow

Reality isn't the thing I'd like to sleep with
Cause it swallows me down into

The valley of insanity
Far too deep, far too far

Rescue blinds my eyes
For the wall where hate comes trough in stereo

Take me away from the girl
Who tries to please me

With her beauty and her bad teeth
Which I like to smash at because of my vanity

She took me by surprise to make me realise
Dignity stops were I start talking

Run away of this distruction
Before it needs you

Before it wants you
Before it rapes you

Before it wakes you
Before it loves you

Loves you ...