Agnus - A Darker Shining Star


A shade is standing far in the distance
The railway wakes the sheltering soul

Daily tomorrows are fading fast
The face thruth down the dark hole

Is this the star we were waiting for
Is this the world we are paying for
Is this the star we were waiting for
Is this the world we are paying for

Push me on the edge, pull me down the lake
The uncertanity of life flows along

Hate, filling the body, dying slow
It seems now everything goes wrong

Is this the star we were waiting for
Is this the world we are paying for
Is this the star we were waiting for
Is this the world we are paying for

A simple view misleads the eye
No-one though has the view

Analfabetism is my language
The last unborn immitates the new

Light of the dark hole
Light of the dark hole
Light of the dark hole