Tjolgtjar - Tjolgtjarian Messiah


The great infant troll
was born to them that day
I saw him in a dream
I floated to Tjolgtjarium

Omoshuda hailed Me
but none saw I was there
They praised his name
As if he were jesus christ

Five Days Later, I floated back to them
I saw him in a dream, crucified in Tjolgtjarium

At five days old,
He was killed by them.
His skull's in a museum
On this side of Tjolgtjarium

Sacrificed to nature
For the sake of fate
He was already God
In 5 short days

One came again last winter
Sung to me by Them
From ancient times that passed
His soul will live again

It has been a year.
And what of this one boy?
He is Tjolgtjar,
I am Him,
Twenty five, 1, and Possessed...