Thunder Force - Shadowmaker


Living always at the limit of understanding
Without time to think about an exit
The things will never be the same
Light and darkness never come together
My hours are ending up
I must decide which path I'll take
My words have been questioned
I cannot continue this way

Living a secrete choice without illusions

I follow my own path
The words I wrong
Have a light chasing me
But I am the Shadowmaker

In darkness?
In brightness?
(At) what side am I really?

From my shadow, I do my light
From my bright I will always do my shadow.
I catch you thinking
In explicit and brutal way
What makes light in the wrong place?
Everyone make mistakes unaccepted
The hand that one day caress, kills today
Without entering the paradise I met
For what will I feed with lies?
You know words are not always true

Living a secrete choice without illusions

I follow my own path
The words I wrong
Have a light chasing me
But I am the Shadowmaker