The Three Johns - Sold down the river


Youth picks over stones like crows
Urban black leg funeral clothes
Passing out the videos
Pounding beat the Mersey.

(Sold down the river)

1 support the Reds and I've got the blues
Drink too much and I choose to snooze
Dream of boxing kangaroos
Pounding beat the Mersey.

(Sold down the river)

Why don't you kill me, kill me?
Stop putting me down
Why don't you kill me, kill me?
Stop putting me down

(Sold down the river)

I view the city from afar
A skeletal burnt out motor car
Wave goodbye for America
Pounding beat the Mersey.

(Sold down the river)

Don't you know. They've shut down all the factories in Knotty Ash The captains of industry, all them Presidents of Cash, they say that our labour costs less in Bangladesh. Ah well, I'll marmalise 'em I tell you. I'll marmalise 'em.

Why don't you kill me, kill me?
Stop putting me down
Why don't you kill me, kill me?
Stop putting me down

(Sold down the river)