Suede - Wonderful Sometimes


I've the sun for the spoken word
And your obscene but never heard
You couldn't do your hair
You couldn't do your job
You couldn't liven us up with a cattle prod
But here you come like I knew you would
Do I just love you 'cos you look quite good
And here you come, are you happy boy
Or are you just another, are just another one more
Because we step a step behind
Because we kiss in time
Because we love our kind
Because we're wonderful sometimes
Because we kiss in time
Because we love our kind
Because we're wonderful
Lifetime in the rain is ours
60 years in other people's cars
I've heard of happy ever after
It was just a joke, but you could die laughing
Here you come like I knew you would
Do I just love you 'cos you look quite good
And here you come, are you the happy boy
Or are you just another, are just one more
Because we step a step behind
Because we kiss in time
Because we love our kind
Because we're wonderful sometimes
Because we kiss in time
Because we love our kind
Because we're wonderful