Split Heaven - Lonewolf


Watch out for shapeless monsters
Don't let them trick your mind
Night and day, the shadows of evil
Want to take your spirit away

Wolf still fighting, this world on fire
Wolf, take their heads! From earth to hell

Through deserts of fire you'll find monsters
Raise your fist and stare to them
Night and day, the shadows of evil
Want to take your spirit away

Wolf still fighting, this world on fire
Wolf, take their heads! From earth to hell

Solo: P Zelbohr

The lone man is the last one standing
Madness took it all away from him

Wolf still fighting, this world on fire
Wolf, take their heads! From earth to hell

When toxic sky is red, be brave and shot their heads
Lone beast is standing at the end of time
Your will is all that counts.
Lone Beast, running with the devil?