Spiral Tower - On the Wings of an Eagle


On the Wings of an Eagle

Prisoned in a deadly spell, you entered the realm of damnation
A liar reigns upon your mind - where is salvation?
Your fire still buries a fading flame, please don't surrender
Awaken your guardian angel - to be your defender

The dark luering shadows of eternity - they wait for you
Let me be your helping hand - don't you be a fading dream

On the wings of an eagle - through the wind we glide
Our wishes and dreams shall be our guide
Far away from the shadows of unfortunate past
Embraced by eternity - we reach for the stars

Break the spell - free your mind and shatter the chains of sorrow
Force deceivers, damnation - and fight because you won't follow
Prisoned in this deadly spell, you live in the realm of damnation
A liar reigns upon your mind - oh God please bring us salvation

Break the spell - free your mind
Prisoned in - this deadly spell
A liar reigns - upon your mind
Let me be your helping hand