Soulforged - The Prophecy Is Wrong


The first prophecy was fulfilled
The evil haunted our people with impious hands
For a long time
The smell of death has covered our land
Was told that we´ll never be released from this pain

The prophet also says there will be a day
Where the darkness will return bringing more fear
But the pride within kept us alive
During these years of terror

Together we fought this nightmare
That disappeared, but now threat to come back
Will never take our land - our home!

I gaze into the future
And see landscapes again
At this time the prophecy is wrong
We are free of this torment
We'll not be ruled again
At this time the prophecy is wrong

Hundreds of swords broke the silence
In times of blood and fire
But the second prophecy will not be fulfilled
These terrible things will not return
We walk towards our destiny
We are safe now

The birds will fly free again
They will be only shades in the past
At this time the prophecy is wrong
The prophet forgot to predict the happy end