Snakes In Exile - She And I


She and I
Didn't try
Tied, apart
An end without a start

A fire smouldering inside

She and me
Not lovers, secretly
Time and time again being burned
Pushing ahead the point of no return

Unsuspected pearl
By far most precious girl I never had

Dying to hold the hand one day
That subtly pushed mine away
The power in an angel's hand
Reminding me how weak I am
Eyes that asked for friendship, merely
Were too close to mine to see clearly
Shattered when I finally got to
Kiss the lips that told me not to

We kicked off with an overdose

What to do
Not hurting you
Quit the game
Or keep a little pilot flame

The fire smouldering inside
Flared up each time it's been denied

She and I
Didn't try
Happened to be