Skyward - Untold


The story is old, it just waits to be told
No one knows how it will end
The world is no more, but the story lives on
No one knows it is still there

It has cried before, it will cry out once more
The first tears in this century
Show must go on, but the audience is gone
Will stories too cease to excist?

In the wastelands - In the dead land
Dismal tales of harvest and plaque

In the wastelands - In the dead land
Once upon a sickening place

In the wastelands - In the dead land
Once the venomous seeds were sown

In the wastelands - In the dead land
Nature reaped what nature owned

One tale, untold
They burned all the pages and still it lives on
One play, one song
No one to listen, no one to perform