Running Wild - Espírito Mau


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Evil Spirit

A wrinkled gnome sat on the yard
On this sailing vessel he was the guard
He may brought safety
Or he may brought dread
If he was treated well
Or if he was treated bad

Guardian, evil spirit
Tormentor, evil spirit

He watched the blade and his anger grew
'Cause for his own wealth
He skinned hard their crew
Money and fame were his conviction
Violence and force were his religion

Guardian, evil spirit
Tormentor, evil spirit

The reef appeared too fast for him
He tried to duck but wind refreshed
The yard came down, the gnome was gone
The blade was dead, justice had won

Espírito Mau

Um gnomo enrugado sentou-se no jardim
Neste veleiro ele era o guarda
Ele pode trazer segurança
Ou pode trazer medo
Se for bem tratado
Ou se for mau tratado

Guardião, espírito mau
Atormentador, espírito mau

Ele observou a lâmina e sua raiva cresceu
Por causa de sua própria riqueza
Ele esfolou severamente sua tripulação
Dinheiro e fama eram sua convicção
Violência e força eram sua religião

Guardião, espírito mau
Atormentador, espírito mau

O recife apareceu muito rápido para ele
Ele tentou mergulhar mas o vento refrescou
A jarda diminuiu, o gnomo se foi
A lâmina estava derrotada, a justiça venceu

Guardião, espírito mau