Oliver K7 - PErsoNaL mArtyR


PErsoNaL mArtyR

The comedian forgot how laugh/
Ms. Pain leave me off/
I create my personal martyr/
and this is just the point of start.

Paul was the first christian/
but him blood is martian/
he is so prophetic/
(s)he is so dramatic

You'll load the options of the beyond/
and you've permission to murder/
anything stop your service/
but could turn the order.

Seems like the powerful god/
seems like the creator of the killer pods/
your name is Tomé, the uncreed/
but you're dead, she said.

Cut the fingers of the heretics/
make the heads in the position of eject/
eat the flesh, drink the wine/
you're so done, but am not feel fine...

oliver kayo sete