MikeIWJ - Please Don't Cut


Dear friend, lover, ex or whatever,
I'm writing you to let you know
I hope you feel better
I know that things are hard, the stress is so much

And when you reach out, all there are is upperscuts
And they are the cause for the ones on your wrists
The reasons why you cry, make a ball of your fists
I understand that you leave a lot you go through
The fact that they yell and your brother whould hit you

And no ones gets you, the plastered on fake smile
The real one has been gone now for quite a while
So your arms bleed, but the blood tells you you're living
It takes away the numb feeling these people were giving
That razor Blade has become your closest companion

It relieves all the pain you want to abandon
Your arms are scared so you think you're unlovable
But honestly I just want you to feel comfortable

So please don't cut
Please Don't cut
I promise you you're loved
So please don't cut

Right now I see that you're stuck in a rut
But please don't cut, please don't cut

And if you feel the need to say
You're all out of luck
I'm just a call away when things get rough

The fact of the matter is I know you're enough
So please don't cut, please don't cut
Put the blade down, it really isn't worth it
No good will come from a slit up and bruised wrist

And you cover it, long sleeves, so they won't see
But you can't hide all the hurt and pain from me
You say you're miserable and there are times you want to die
But when you pull out a razor and cut while you cry

It makes you feel human, and like you are still alive
But don't you understand that the feeling is all a lie
You put yourself in danger when you're slicing up your skin
You're only letting self-hate find it's way in

I promise you'll get better, but just meet me halfway
And please throw the razors and pins all away
I swear that you'll make it, there's no doubt in my mind
And if you look around, I know it's what you'll find

You're gonna feel better once this door has been shut
Please make me a promise that tonight you won't cut

So please don't cut
Please Don't cut
I promise you you're loved
So please don't cut

Right now I see that you're stuck in a rut
But please don't cut, please don't cut

And if you feel the need to say
You're all out of luck
I'm just a call away when things get rough

The fact of the matter is I know you're enough
So please don't cut, please don't cut
Put the blade down, it really isn't worth it
No good will come from a slit up and bruised wrist

They label you, but not a single word is true
Who cares what the world is saying about you?

They don't know, they just assume
They're not with you when you're lonely up in your room
They're not with you when you're begging to up above
They're not there, when you need a little love
They don't care, when you have nothing to give

So who's to say that you even would want to live?
Every life is precious, and that is what I promise.
If we never speak again, I hope you know I'm honest

You deserve to be happy, and clean from the cutting
You deserve to be a person who's surruonded with loving
Every life is precious, and that's something that I promise
If we never speak again, I hope you know I'm honest

You deserve to be happy, and clean from the cutting
You deserve to be a person who's surruonded with loving

So please don't cut
Please Don't cut
I promise you you're loved
So please don't cut

Right now I see that you're stuck in a rut
But please don't cut, please don't cut

And if you feel the need to say
You're all out of luck
I'm just a call away when things get rough
The fact of the matter is I know you're enough

So please don't cut, please don't cut
So please don't cut
Please Don't cut
I promise you you're loved
So please don't cut

Right now I see that you're stuck in a rut
But please don't cut, please don't cut

And if you feel the need to say
You're all out of luck
I'm just a call away when things get rough

The fact of the matter is I know you're enough
So please don't cut, please don't cut