Happy Days - Sozinho e Frio


Nossa tradução tem menos linhas que a
versão original, ajude-nos a sincronizar.=) fechar

Alone and Cold

I sit and wait,
Seems as though time has stopped.
I stare once more towards my scarred up wounds, reopening them!
Hoping that it's my time to forever fade away!

I don't belong here, I need to die!
I can't take this waiting anymore!
Once again I sit and wait,
This time with nothin to comfort me!

The blades are dull, the nooses are broken,
There's nothing left for me to grab on!
I am forever alone and... Cold!
Nothing can save me now!

I can't take this waiting anymore [seems as though time has stopped]
I stare once more towards my scarred up wounds [once again I sit and wait],
Reopening them, hoping that it's my time to forever...[this time with nothing to comfort me]
...Fade away!

I don't belong here, [the blades are dull, the nooses are broken!]
I need to die... I can't take this waiting anymore [there's nothing left for me to grab on]
I need to die...
[Once again I sit and wait, there's nothing left for me to grab on]
I need to die...[this time with nothing to comfort me]

Once again I sit and wait [the blades are dull, the nooses are broken
There's nothing left for me to grab onto...]
I need to die...
I don't belong here... I don't belong here...
I am forever alone and cold... Nothing can save me now!

Sozinho e Frio

Contorcendo-se sob o meu punho cravado
Ela está me dando todos os prazeres carnais
Submeter-se e bebe o meu sangue

Eu sou o portador de ódio
Mal reina supremo na Terra
Os defensores da fé negra
Que reforçam o meu brilho interior
Mente em expansão jornada interior
De uma alma triste e amargo
Explosão inferno misantrópico violento
É mais escuro do que você pensa ...

Para o tempo aparentemente interminável
Ainda há sangue no velho carvalho
Isto é onde você veio para morrer
Mais de 300 anos de idade
E ainda que se estende em direção ao céu
Carvalho da forca ...