Fireaxe - Viva la Revolucion

I hate to break the news but we're all getting mugged,
not by gun toting addicts but by white collered mother fuckers downtown.
They're cutting deals and looking to steal
all your pensions and your savings and anything that isn't nailed down.
And with the prices getting higher and your paycheck getting tighter
you just sit there and you take it
'cause you believe it when they tell you that it's all getting better.

Wake up! Wake up!
You gotta hold their to the fire.
Wake up! Wake up!
Don't be afraid to build their funeral pyre.

You think that's extreme? Well they do it to us.
Say when you need an operation and a bureaucrat is saying,
"Your coverage has just run out." Good luck.
And when the terrorists are biting someone's gotta do the fighting.
Guess who's on the front lines? Not them.
And we're drinking filthy water and we're breathing filthy air,
and as we lay dying our bills are rising.
For corporate profits we are led to the slaughter.

Stand up! Stand up!
We've got the right to defend ourselves.
Stand up! Stand up!
We've got the right to send them to hell.

Viva la revolucion! Matemos el ricos!
You deserve everything you've worked for fight and take it back.
Viva la revolucion! Queme los elites.
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

I hear you say, "I'm not like them,
I may be rich, but I'm an honest man."
Well here's your big chance, it's time to come clean.
Open the books, let's see what you're hiding.

Open the books!
Show us where every dollar came from and where it went.
Open the books!
Show us all those double entries that hide malicious intent.

Show us the fraud,
show us the graft,
show us the kickbacks and how we were had.
Show us the schemes.
Show us the fronts.
Show us the laundering you self serving cunts.

Nothing to say? I thought so.
Off with his fucking head.

Out once great nation now a den of corruption
with insiders parasites and idiot sons of the rich.
A parliament of whores.
And when they're not screwing us they're screwing each other.
Hey, mother fuckers, it's We The People.
It's kind of hard to speak with tear gas shoved down our throats.
Don't you feel an obligation to the human race?
Are you even human?

Rise up! Rise up!
Don't let them beat you into submission.
Rise up! Rise up!
Now is the time for retribution.

Viva la revolucion! Matemos el ricos!
Show them what you think of all their shit and don't hold back.
Viva la revolucion! Queme los elites.
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.