Disfigured Dead - Possessed Dead


Living in this nightmare
Forced against your will
Surrounded by the possessed
Their bidding is to kill
The book lets loose a curse
Upon the land
You are all now doomed
Your souls are condemned

You've entered the cabin
The woods are possessed
You will now become
One of the undead


Bound in human flesh
Inked in human blood
Demon resurrection and those forces
That roam in the woods
These creatures lie dormant
But are truly never dead
With the incantations
From the necronomicon
They will rise again

The nightmare continues
Those around you die
One by one
They will take your life


Stricken by evil you can not escape
The horror in the woods
Held down while you're raped
Unholy laughter from the basement
The only way to kill them
Is bodily dismemberment

Self mutilation bodily dismemberment
Hacked to bits bloody gore
