Chthonic - Takao


Vultures fly, circling the dark skies
Plucking carrion from the ground
Blood red sun, territory incise
Marching forward without sound

Carved into flesh, written in blood
Symbols burned so deeply in the mind
Gathering clouds, threatening skies
The sun's rays left me blind

Ghosts of the past bound and tied
Honor's scars fade, glory dies

Vultures fly, circling the dark skies
Plucking carrion from the ground
Blood red sun, territory incise
Marching forward without sound

Deep within you, souls of the past bound and tied
Bright sun burning, the lines melt as glory dies

Carved into flesh, written in blood
Symbols burned so deeply in the mind
Gathering clouds, threatening skies
The sun's rays left me blind

大港起風湧 toā-káng khí hong-íng
堂堂男兒欲出征 tông-tông lâm-jî beh tshut-tsing
氣勢撼動高雄 khì-sè hám-tōng tha-khá-ooh
齊開向你我前程 tsê khai hiòng lí guá tsiân-tîng

妳佇港邊相送 lí tī káng pinn sio-sàng
淚眼咧看阮的船影 luī-gán leh khuànn guán ê tsûn-iánn
請等待我凱旋轉來 tshiánn tán-thāi guá khái-suân tńg--lâi
繼續咱未圓的夢 kè-siok lán bī-uân ê bāng

大港起風湧 toā-káng khí hong-íng
堂堂男兒欲出征 tông-tông lâm-jî beh tshut-tsing
氣勢撼動高雄 khì-sè hám-tōng tha-khá-ooh
齊開向你我前程 tsê khai hiòng lí guá tsiân-tîng