Boy in Static - Half-Lives


We've seen the curtains opened
"Cancer" spelled in blinking lights
We've watched a dead man trace his steps
Backwards through his life
Break out the flood lights
Purify our LAX reddened eyes
Take back our half-lives
Rise up in a subway car
Float over Old Hollywood's buried stars
Let's watch the cities glow
Watch the new millenium come and go

We've found the cure, our work is done
Now North and South are one
So tell our daughters, tell our sons
Our past mistakes have been undone

Take our bloodline public, our family's sins in DNA
Our daughters pen our epitaphs, and theirs will do the same
Turn up your high beams
Pound in morse code on suburban streets:
"The Devil flees in full retreat!"
Raise up the house lights
Take a war plane on a scenic flight
Pull the lifeline from our veins
Watch the new millenium come of age

Take our half lives, open our red eyes
Take the thrones from our Hollywood bloodlines
Pull the lifeline from our veins
Wash away the sins from our DNA
Watch the new millenium come of age