Blood Freak - Goretits


You're only kidding yourself if you don't agree,
That gore and nudity on horror fit indefinitely
One without the other is like peanut butter without jelly,
I throw a fucking fit when gore and breasts aren't on the telly

No gore and boobs make this movie a dud
Too much talking and not enough blood

I go to the video store to get my splatter fix,
I want hardcore horror and no fucking tricks
This place only has cut R rated shits
Where's "New York Ripper" with all the bloody bits?

Lack of gore is really the pits
I want nudity-loaded DVD's in my grubby mitts

This generations of scream-style horror is totally prude,
Where drew Barrymore won't even get nude
I'm running out of patience when the gore isn't there,
And where hot chicks don't exist and the boobs aren't bare!!!