Bevar Sea - Universal Sleeper


Time hangs in a lazy noose, a medicated haze
A waltz through your alchemy, in a cosmic juggernaut

Heavy eyelids, drop on down, rivers of drool
A school of galaxies pass, holy assassin holds the mass

The old monk on the run, he scrams
Violent rhythm, a dead romance
Smoking Hookahs, paint the sky
Nocturnal assassins in a trance

Your dreams and your nightmares, will light the sky
A carpet, your life floats by, holy smoke in your mind

Sleep until tomorrow, on borrowed time
Sleep until tomorrow, The Universal Sleeper grinds

The song and dance will wind down
With the tick-tock of time
Heavy eyelids let you in
Another light of your pipe
Leave the scum to the earth
Take the flight of rebirth
Sleep forever, sleep

Sleep until tomorrow, on borrowed time
Sleep until tomorrow, The Universal Sleeper grinds