Berserker - Altars Of Putrification


Blackened skies make way for lost wings, an emaciated existance shed in the realms of cosmic disarray/
Hope butchered, madness astray! where angels and heathen pervade within the holy betray
Of shadows and orchids, withered at the deciding hands of oblivion {that reduce all}
Of ravaneous beasts and craven marches, split beneath the banished seeds- poltroon!

Of contrite tears and ebbing petals, falling- fading through an avalanche orchestrated at his crest/
Where tartarous overwhelms elysium, where gomorrah scribes the lost testament
A thousand armies slain at the onset of putrification, cut open at satan's altars
Hearts purged, bastions of what that exudes suffering, resurrecting the fallen citadels

Remains of the long forgotten, the flawless creations
Time shall stand numb- a weakened witness to the frosted rots
Sepulchral lusts enshrined, washed away at the helm of blooded froths

There shall stand no warrior
There shall stand no hero
There shall remain no legend

When the doors open at the wail of moon, at the altars of putrification