Beastial Aggression - Victory in War


Marching on,

Victims of unknowing

Unleashing the horror

Machines of doom,
Creations of the end

Shroud of the land

Peace to create

Life desecrate

That you call victory in war

Cry of agony

Sounds of Fire
Sings of coming vanity

Personal hate,
What creates war

Then innocent
Must live through gore

Pay the price,
Undying scar

Meaning of death,
They all die in vain

That you call victory in war

Some are proud to defend?-To kill his own brother!
In deception built honour, the leaders still pretend
Instead to stand together, they kill for other's hate
Opening of Darkness gates, Darkening the way of better

Deaf to the sound of reason, blind to the solution in front
So easy to stop the carnage, throw away the guns
Two sides became the one, the small politicians run
The urge to complicate, the war rushes out forever