Aorta - Everything said to Me


This new house has lost it's touch,
Standing here beside myself,
it's a shame only if you knew,
what you were doing,
Your so naive if you,
think your words meant anything
your so right,
but your so wrong

Everything said to Me,
All lies,
That came to be

I walked away, didn't look back
think a lot when your gone
I can't seem to help it
Whether you even knew it
Everything said to me,
all lies,
that came to be

Shutting the door, but we'll never look back. The moments that are engraved in my mind, burned, so I would never forget. It's all so clear, yet there is the want for it to fade.

Everything said to me,
All lies,
That came to be
Said to Me,
Said to Me,
Said to Me,
Said to Me.