Andread True Connection - White Witch


White Witch 4x

They wants for the White Witch
But a real from Jamaica
They calling to a rollsroller

On and what a queen no yeah
She will join you through the Puma
Feel your heart wait for fun

Ohhhohhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

What's Gonna Get Ya? 9x

Smut or Big Giant ya
A new city on the highway
On the come sony by way
On the she will not be there
I love for the Corropioóó
Now you arnold love got pior

Ohhhohhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

What's Gonna Get Ya? 9x


They wants Wise a Witch on
To explain to Jamaica
He busy to a rollsroller
He takes flowers or not not

Time made me, it so long
All the children tell you so

Ohhhohhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

What's Gonna Get Ya? 9x