Amantyde - Princess Of Lies


I was born in the intrigue nation
Grew up in the three faces town
Shame and silence where my best fellows
And fantasy my only way out

Here i am, the perfect product
I nevere say what i think about
I keep my theories buried so well
'cause if i'd open up my mouth i'd send you all in hell

I'm the princess of your lies
I'm the keeper of your filthy vices
I'll drag you down

I'm the princess of your lies
I'm the queen of everything's so dirty
I pull you down

All the things
You accuse me of
You say i'm rotten to my bone

I contaminate everything i touch
With immorality, insicerity, and a little bit of lust

You know my secret i'm just your mirror
So don't ask me to be true
Unless you're sure you can face the truth
Or you'll end up chocked by your failure

I'm the princess of your lies
I'm the keeper of your filthy vices
I'll drag you down

I'm the princess of your lies
I'm the queen of everything's so dirty
I pull you down

Absolutely no redemption