Hypocrisy - The Final Chapter


During some abduction's I'm aware of them.
Of they're taking spermsampels, in many differen ways.
They done it in many differnt ways
With tubes, with a... like catheters.
There's one way I have not been able to deal with.
Emotionaly or under aggression.
And that's when there's a bening on top of me...

I can feel it gowing stronger
the hate to wards them
I've nothing to live for
Only to stay as another victim

They're been touturing me my hole life I can not understand.

For how long can i go on
when they have already raped every inch of me
why won't they leave me alone
this is not the life I've chosen

It's time to an end to this pain
I wanna get away from this hell

Those black empty eyes is hounting me
hate and sorrow builds up inside
I must take my life to be free
this will be my final chapter